Sunday, June 7, 2015

Angels, Devils & Stars

After a Friday filled with presentations, exams and report submissions we dedicated ourselves to relaxing and enjoying the simple things in life this weekend.  

Besides our usual outings to charming restaurants and wine with the locals the real highlight of my weekend was the Poetto beach. 

On Saturday we found some starfish! I named mine Stella. Fact, they're actually called sea stars and they have an eye spot to see at the end of each arm!

           Stella (Photo by Anna Murphy)

Some of us decided to go to Poetto today as well just because we love that clear turquoise water so much. I came out of the ocean today with one of my contacts missing from diving so much. We also went paddle boarding and that was even funnier to watch as we toppled each other over. 

Sella del Diavolo (the Devil's Saddle) is a mountainous geo-morphical shape that overlooks Poetto beach. Poetto's name actually comes from a tower named the "Poet's Tower" on Sella del Diavolo. Apparently there are stunning views from up there which I would love to see. 

The picture above is the view to the Gulf of Angels that can be seen from the Devil's Saddle. Legend has it this is where an epic struggle between Angels and Demons took place in the sky. The story goes that this is where the Devil decided to settle and the battle occurred when God sent his angels to remove the unwelcome guest on earth. This scene was then frozen in time when the devil dropped his saddle while trying to escape. 

You know it's funny because I just decided to research where Poetto got its name from for the benefit of you, the reader. After getting back home from 2 days on Poetto beach I decided to do this now. I remember gazing over at that mountain with a curious nature. Not knowing its legendary history.

It's so beautiful, how can you blame the devil. 

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